7 Back Acne Causes and How to Get Rid of Them

Back acne, also known as "bacne", is caused by a buildup of oils and dead skin around the pores. The clogged pores attract bacteria, which leads to an inflammatory response of the skin, causing bumps and pustules. Some common back acne causes may include sweat, stress, genetics, hormonal changes, or the side effects of taking certain medications.

The main areas affected by back acne are the upper and lower back, as well as the shoulders. This type of acne is more common among males and usually sets in during puberty. However, back acne can also affect women and older adults at any age. Since this acne looks unsightly, many people rely on microneedling or skin rejuvenation procedures as a form of treatment.

Do you know what causes back acne? To learn more about this condition, here are seven common back acne causes and how to get rid of them:

1. Back acne is caused by not showering right after a workout.

Back acne is caused by not showering right after a workout.

Leaving sweat and dirt on your skin after a workout is a major cause of back acne. Sweaty skin facilitates the buildup of acne-causing bacteria. The longer you delay showering, or if you skip cleansing altogether, your skin becomes more susceptible to the negative effects of sweat.

To prevent this, shower immediately every time you finish exercising, playing sports, or doing strenuous physical activities. It doesn't matter if you had an intense workout or a light one. Your best bet is to shower immediately after each session to protect the skin.

2. Back acne is caused by skin picking.

Picking and popping back acne is very tempting. However, this may cause infection and potential scarring. The better alternative is to apply a salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide gels to the affected areas. These gels kill acne-causing bacteria safely and effectively. You will find many effective topical treatment creams with these specific ingredients.

Please note that some creams containing benzoyl peroxide may cause your skin to dry out. In contrast, products containing salicylic acid will cool the raging areas without giving you chalky or dry skin. Regardless, both types of products are effective in getting rid of back acne. Choose whichever solution works best for you.

3. Back acne is caused by wearing tight or sweaty clothes.

Back acne is caused by wearing tight or sweaty clothes.

Tight-fitting clothes are more likely to trap sweat and dirt, which are then rubbed into your skin pores. If you have sensitive or inflamed acne, tight clothes may cause skin irritation, which could worsen the condition. Instead, wear loose clothes that wick away sweat and allow your skin to breathe.

For similar reasons, wearing sweaty clothes is another common back acne cause. On warm summer days, it helps to change into a fresh set of clothes if you've been sweating a lot. Also, wash all your clothes after use. Don't wear dirty clothes again, especially those that came into direct contact with your sweaty skin.

4. Back acne is caused by eating the wrong foods.

Back acne is caused by eating the wrong foods.

Unhealthy foods can affect our bodies in different ways. For acne-prone skin, some diets can be triggers. Avoid foods with a glycemic index, which means that they cause your blood sugar to shoot up quickly. As a result, they could cause or aggravate existing back acne. The common culprits include white rice, white pasta, white bread, white potatoes, and dairy products.

However, extremely restrictive food plans are not good for your overall wellness. Instead of eliminating these foods together, prepare well-balanced diets that include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Learn to balance your breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals so that they work for your body, heart, and skin.

5. Back acne is caused by using the wrong body wash for your skin.

Back acne is caused by using the wrong body wash for your skin.

You may be using the wrong choice of shower lotion that does not help with your back acne. If you suspect this is the case, it's time to make a switch. Use shower gels or exfoliating scrubs that have ingredients like salicylic acid, which exfoliates your skin. It removes dead cells and unblock pores. You can also use products with glycolic acid, which dissolves the upper layer of skin, blurring acne marks that prevents spots.

Other good shower lotions include products with lactic acid, which are gentler on the skin. These acids prevent the buildup of sebum, remove excess oils that prevent acne formation, and heal existing acne scars. When applying the shower lotion, be gentle with the scrubbing. Raw, vigorous motions may make your back acne worse.

6. Back acne is caused by using the wrong skin moisturizers.

Back acne is caused by using the wrong skin moisturizers.

Moisturizers are great back acne treatments since they repair and soothe your skin barrier. However, some oil-based moisturizers may cause the back acne to grow worse. Instead, ensure the products are labelled non-comedogenic, meaning that they moisturize your skin without clogging the pores.

Switch to lighter creams that contain glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, or salicylic acid. These creams are good for eliminating ingrown hairs and spots too. You can also try tea tree oil, which has treated skin conditions for hundreds of years. Found in lotions, creams, or cleansers, it treats acne by killing extra bacteria from your skin. For sensitive skin, you can use hypoallergenic moisturizers.

7. Back acne is caused by a lack of skin care.

Back acne is caused by a lack of skin care.

Your skin condition is fragile and potentially vulnerable to various risk factors. Without proper skin care, your back acne may never receive the treatment it needs to heal properly. For more information, make sure you consult with Beauty Med for a full range of back acne treatments. Based on your condition, we can offer the best skin care recommendations.

In more severe cases of back acne, it's important to visit a dermatologist for advice. Some back acne is extremely stubborn, even after trying various methods to get rid of them. A dermatologist may prescribe medication to block testosterone production in males or to prevent excessive oil production in females. These treatments are aimed at shedding off dead skin cells, killing acne-causing bacteria, and preventing blocked pores.

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