Our bodies produce an oily substance called sebum, which keeps our skin soft and healthy. Although everyone has oil in their skin, some people tend to generate more natural oils than others. This leads to oily skin, an annoying trait defined by excessive shine and unwanted greasiness.

The underlying causes of oily skin are typically age and genetics, which may be out of our control. However, medications and warm climates can also aggravate our skin condition. In addition, there are numerous bad habits that exacerbate oily skin problems, such as wearing the wrong makeup or a poor skincare routine.

A well-thought skin rejuvenation routine will help to alleviate the symptoms of oily skin. It is also beneficial to understand what causes oily skin, so that you can take any preventative measures. Here are the ten most common reasons why your skin is so oily:

1. Age

Age is a common cause of oily skin. You may notice that young people, particularly teenagers, are more likely to have greasy skin. That’s because youths have over-productive sebaceous glands, leading to greater oil production. The good news is that you may grow out of oily skin as you get older, since people tend to produce less oil as they age.

2. Genetics

Oily skin tends to run in the family. If you notice that your parents have oily skin, it’s probably why you inherited this genetic disposition. Unfortunately, larger sebaceous glands are hereditary. Your parents may have also inherited their oily skin from your grandparents, so this condition can trickle through many generations.

3. Medication

Although many pharmaceuticals come with side effects, you may not have made a connection between your medications and your oily skin. The fact is that many drugs can cause excess oil production. Hormonal replacement medication and oral contraceptives commonly cause oily skin. Other medications may cause dehydration, which will put your oil glands into overdrive and lead to oily skin.

4. Temperature

Where you live can have an impact on your skin. People often face the challenges of having oilier skin in hot, humid climates, while colder temperatures can lead to dry skin. Depending on the time of year, you’ll likely see a difference in the oiliness of your skin based on the temperature outside.

People tend to have more oil on their skin during the warmer months of summer than in the winter. In this case, it’s a good idea to have a different skin care routine for winter and summer. Consider including more blotting sheets and a matte foundation to soak up extra oil during the summer months. Also, wear sunscreen every day, so that your skin doesn’t dry out and produce extra oil to compensate.

5. Oily Makeup

With so many different makeup brands, it’s crucial to choose the right cosmetic products based on your skin type. Certain types of makeup may aggravate your skin condition, drying out your face and causing more oil to be produced. The quality of your makeup is important as well. Some lower quality products tend to be harsher on the skin, making it produce more oil.

If you’re using oil-based foundations, primers, or concealers, that can be another reason why your skin is so oily. Go for oil-free cosmetic products instead of their greasy oil-based counterparts.

6. Your Skin Has Enlarged Pores

Larger pores tend to produce more oil. There are many reasons why you might have enlarged pores, including breakouts, weight fluctuations, and age. You can minimize these pores with an extensive facial treatment at a medical spa.

7. You Wash Your Face Too Often

It’s a good idea to wash your face once or twice a day, which gets rid of dead skin cells, dirt, and debris. However, washing your face too many times can cause oily skin. Every time you wash, you strip your face of oil, so the body must produce more to replenish it. This quickly leads to an overproduction of oil.

8. You Scrub Your Face Hard

After washing, you may simply grab a towel and start scrubbing your face with it. Most people don’t put much thought into how much force they’re using. When you scrub your face too aggressively, your glands may get a signal that they need to produce more oil to moisturize your face. Instead, you should be gentler with your cleansing, which will help with healthy skin and normal oil production.

9. You Use Too Much Salicylic Acid

Products with salicylic acid can do wonders for people with oily skin. This exfoliating ingredient penetrates your pores and dissolve oils to dry out your face. While the product is effective, you may sometimes overdo it with too much application. As a result, this will lead to over-dryness, and your skin will overproduce oil to compensate.

10. You Don’t Moisturize Your Skin

Contrary to some misconceptions, moisturizers don’t cause oily skin. In fact, you should have a moisturizing skincare routine to get rid of the oily skin. Moisturizing regularly will signal to your body that your skin is already hydrated, so it doesn’t need to produce more oil. This will slow down on the sebum production. When you don’t moisturize enough, your body may think that your face is too dry, so it will overproduce oil to counteract the dryness.

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