Spinal Decompression Therapy
Back, neck and sciatica pain can range from a mild nuisance to excruciating pain. According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association, about 4 million Canadians (15 percent of the population) seek the services of a chiropractor every year.
The back is a marvelous mechanical system that contains a complex group of muscles and the spine. The spine consists of 24 vertebrae (small bones) that are stacked on top of one another and together, they are referred to as the vertebral column. In between each of the vertebrae is a gel-like cushion that absorbs pressure and prevents the bones from touching one another; this cushion is called the disc. Ligaments hold the vertebrae together and tendons connect muscles to the vertebral column. Inside the spinal column is a massive collection of nerve fibres transmitting electrical information throughout the entire body. This mechanical system is so complex that when pain strikes, it can detract you from enjoying your day-to-day activities.
What Is Spinal Decompression Therapy?
If you ever get a chance to go to a local park and find a set of high monkey bars, hang from them; the feeling on the back is almost euphoric. Spinal decompression therapy mimics that feeling by providing a mild linear pull on the body. This gentle pull that spinal decompression therapy provides can assist a misaligned disc to be gently manipulated back into place thereby creating adequate space between the vertebrae and when this occurs, higher levels of oxygen and blood will return to the area providing relief. In addition, any pressure on the spinal nerves will be alleviated.
There are several back conditions that can be treated using spinal decompression therapy. People with lumbar strains, sciatic, herniated discs, bulging discs, degenerative discs, degenerative joint disease, and spinal arthritis have all experienced relief through spinal decompression therapy.
To better illustrate what spinal decompression "looks" like, think of the all the vertebrae as Lego® blocks loosely placed one on top of another. Compression of the spine (which occurs through poor posture, daily wear and tear, degenerating discs or injury) is the pushing of the Lego® blocks tightly together, and for the spine, this is not good.
Spinal decompression therapy is painless and each treatment lasts about 20 to 30 minutes.
Spinal Decompression Therapy Research
In a 2003 Orthopedic Technology Review spinal decompression therapy was studied. Patients who suffered at least four weeks of herniated discs or degenerative disc diseases were treated. The results were astounding – 86 percent of those treated reported immediate symptom relief and after the completion of treatment, 90 days later, they were still pain-free.
Are You A Candidate For Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Spinal decompression therapy is generally only one part of a complete treatment plan. There are other therapies a healthcare provider may recommend to help expedite the healing process. If you are want a non-invasive way to combat back problems and are considering spinal decompression therapy, the fully qualified health professionals at Chiro-Med Rehab Centre are only too pleased to answer any questions you may have. Put an end to back pain and call Chiro-Med Rehab Centre today. Start your road to recovery by booking your appointment today.
For questions, guidance, or more information, call Beauty Med today or contact us to schedule your free consultation at our cosmetic acupuncture clinic in Richmond Hill.